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How to Make a Skeleton Dog on Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make a Skeleton Dog on Minecraft

A skeleton equus caballus is an undead variant of the horse that sometimes spawns when lightning strikes.


  • one Spawning
  • 2 Drops
  • 3 Usage
    • 3.1 Equipment
    • 3.ii Riding
  • iv Behavior
  • 5 Statistics
    • five.1 Spawned values
      • 5.1.1 Health
      • v.1.2 Movement speed
      • 5.1.3 Jump strength
  • half-dozen Sounds
  • seven Data values
    • 7.1 ID
    • vii.ii Entity data
  • 8 History
  • 9 Problems
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 Gallery
    • eleven.ane Screenshots
    • xi.2 In other media
  • 12 Meet also
  • 13 References

"Skeleton Horseman" redirects here. For the mob in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Skeleton Horseman.

A group of skeleton horsemen spawned past a "skeleton trap" horse.
Skeleton Trap.png
A skeleton horseman consisting of a skeleton and a skeleton horse.

A skeleton horseman is a hostile undead mob consisting of a skeleton and a skeleton equus caballus. Skeleton horsemen spawn only from a "skeleton trap horse".

A skeleton trap horse is a hostile skeleton horse spawned from a fraction of lightning generated naturally by a thunderstorm (0.75–1.five% chance on Easy, 1.5–4% on Normal, and 2.25–6.75% on Hard, depending on regional difficulty). Lightning strikes caused by a Channeling-enchanted trident and lightning strikes on a lightning rod never spawn a skeleton trap horse. The trap equus caballus despawns after 15 minutes if not triggered.

The skeleton trap equus caballus is triggered when a thespian comes within 10 blocks of information technology, resulting in a lightning strike that does not kickoff fires or damage nearby entities. When struck, the skeleton trap horse transforms into a skeleton horseman: a skeleton, a stray or a wither skeleton riding a skeleton equus caballus. It also spawns three additional skeleton horsemen in the vicinity. Each skeleton is equipped with an enchanted iron helmet and an enchanted bow, and has damage immunity for iii seconds later on spawning (in Bedrock Edition. Both horse and passenger are immune to lightning).

Other notes:

  • The skeleton horses becomes passive and tamed if the thespian kills the skeleton.
  • The skeleton wears an atomic number 26 helmet, unless information technology randomly spawned with another headgear.
  • The skeleton's bow and helmet are enchanted as if on an enchantment tabular array at level 5–22. The exact level depends on regional difficulty; on Piece of cake it is ever a level-5 enchantment.
  • The skeleton trap horse becomes fully grown if it was a babe, and the breeding cooldown is reset.
  • The skeletons do not despawn if PersistenceRequired is set.
  • A trap horse may spawn in areas that a regular horse may not, such as the center of an bounding main.
  • A trap horse can trigger normally in clear weather (and ofttimes a histrion encounters a trap horse after the thunderstorm has cleared).
  • The skeleton drops more experience orbs.
  • If the difficulty is ready to Peaceful, the skeleton rider despawns only the horse remains.
  • The skeleton does not shoot whatsoever mob that attacks the skeleton equus caballus, whether purposefully or accidently. The skeleton attacks only the histrion.
  • An explosion is heard, simply nix gets destroyed.

Skeleton horsemen tin can be spawned in Java Edition using the command /summon skeleton_horse ~ ~ ~ {SkeletonTrap:ane}, or in Bedrock Edition using the control /summon skeleton_horse ~ ~ ~ minecraft:set_trap.

Upon death, a skeleton horse drops:

  • 0–2 Bone s. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-five with Annexation III.
  • 1–3 when killed by a player or tamed wolf.

If saddled, it drops a saddle.‌[ Java Edition only ]

Killing a babe skeleton equus caballus yields no items or experience.

Skeleton horses can be used as one of the fastest means of transportation in the game, though they are unable to fit through single block-wide openings. They can also be used to climb hills and jump fences because the skeleton horses tin can jump upwardly to five cake heights, versus the player's maximum of ane (without a potion).

They tin can be ridden in water in any depth. Skeleton horses sink in the water and can exist ridden along the bounding main or river floor.

Skeleton horses tin be pulled using a lead.


Coffee Edition

Skeleton horses take the following slot available:

  • Saddle Slot: For equipping a saddle.

Saddles tin can be placed on a skeleton equus caballus past belongings it and then right-clicking on the skeleton horse, or by accessing its inventory. A skeleton horse'south inventory tin can be accessed past mounting the skeleton horse and opening the player inventory or by sneaking and so right-clicking on the horse.

Bedrock Edition

A skeleton horse does not have an inventory and cannot be equipped with a saddle or armor. Despite this, the default texture file, like those of normal horses, donkeys and mules, includes a chest.


In Bedrock Edition, skeleton horses can be controlled by the histrion without a saddle. However, in Java Edition, skeleton horses can be equipped with a saddle so controlled.

The player tin control a tamed (and saddled in Java Edition) skeleton horse with standard directional controls, jump, and the mouse. The player dismounts using the dismount control.

In Java Edition, when riding a horse, the hunger bar is replaced past the horse'south health in survival or chance mode. It uses a slightly unlike heart texture than the player'south health bar having a brown advent. The experience bar is replaced by the equus caballus leaping bar.

A player can use any particular while riding a equus caballus, including drinking or throwing potions; activating doors or redstone devices; using chests, crafting tables, and furnaces; breaking and placing blocks; and attacking with melee weapons or bows.

A ridden horse automatically runs upwardly whatever one block high gradient. The horse and passenger can safely fit through a space equally low as 2.75 blocks high. Lower clearance risks suffocating the rider if the passenger's head enters a non-transparent block. The horse itself can enter gaps every bit low as ane.625 blocks loftier, just may itself have suffocation impairment when clearance is less than ane.75 blocks. Horses cannot fit through a 1-block-wide gap.

It is impossible for a role player to use a Under portal while on a equus caballus. It is possible, withal, to enter the portal on the horse and then dismount, sending the equus caballus through the portal on its own, or by using a lead to position the horse, and then pushing information technology through the portal.‌[ Bedrock Edition just ]

Unlike normal horses, a skeleton horse does not force the player to dismount when it enters water deeper than ii blocks; rather, it can be ridden underwater without drowning. The actor tin still drown underwater without the proper potions or enchantments, even when mounted on the skeleton equus caballus. When underwater, its running speed and bound remain the aforementioned although it has a slower rate of descent.

While existence ridden by skeleton horseman, the skeleton horse and rider move fast and maneuver similar skeletons, strafing when attacking and backing upwardly when the thespian moves toward them.‌[ Java Edition only ]

In Bedrock Edition, grown skeleton horses, like near mobs, can ride in minecarts and boats. Otherwise, babe skeleton horses tin can ever ride in minecarts and boats.[ verify ]

They can as well exist tamed by the player.

Unlike other passive mobs, skeleton horses slowly regenerate health evident by their health bar while the thespian rides it. This is the same case for normal horses. However, they cannot exist bred or fed.

All horses have three "equine stats" that vary from horse to equus caballus: health, maximum movement speed, and bound strength. These stats are created once the horse is built-in or spawned, and are not affected by food.

Spawned values

When spawned in any way except convenance – for example, using commands, spawning naturally, spawning as office of a skeleton trap, or using spawn eggs – horses are assigned their stats within certain ranges, specific according to their horse type.


A skeleton horse'south health is always 15. Displayed hearts are wellness, divided by two, rounded downwardly. A equus caballus with an odd number of health points (15, 17, 19, etc.) does non prove the last half-heart. If the equus caballus has lost one wellness point lower than the inflicted damage and did not regenerate, it has an odd number of health points, otherwise, information technology has an even number of wellness points.

Movement speed

Skeleton horse's speed is always 0.2; the player'southward normal walking speed is 0.1. The speed listed does not include whatever status effect that affects the speed of a horse or a player.

See transportation to compare the speeds of various transportation methods.

Spring force

Jump force ranges from 0.4–1.0, averaging 0.7.

A jump strength of 0.5 is enough to articulate ininesixteen blocks, while 1.0 is enough to clear 5anefour blocks.

The following derived equation can be used to calculate a equus caballus jump superlative, with x its spring strength attribute (with an rss of 5.510e-19). This function was fit to the data found in the table below and is therefore about accurate effectually these values.

JumpHeight = -0.1817584952 * x^iii + three.689713992 * x^2 + 2.128599134 * x - 0.343930367

The exact jump strengths, to 15 digits, required to clear several block heights are listed below.

Jump Strength Blocks
0.966967527085333 5.000
0.847552919762898 4.000
0.715301016726230 three.000
0.564380127487889 2.000
0.432084373616155 one.250 (player'southward jump tiptop)

Skeleton horse sounds are the sounds of the regular equus caballus but lower pitched and slowed with reverb.

The following sounds section uses an outdated format and should be redone using {{Sound table}}.

You lot can help by converting the contents of this department into a sound table template.
Examples can be seen at Bee#Sounds and Ladder#Sounds.
The wikicode should exist laid out neatly as in these examples for improved readability.
Call back to include a human foot parameter so the tabular array appears in the correct place. Do NOT convert the table using Visual Editor.

Sound Subtitle Namespaced ID Subtitle ID Source Pitch Volume Attenuation altitude
Skeleton Equus caballus cries entity.skeleton_horse.ambience subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.ambient ? ? ? 16
Skeleton Horse cries entity.skeleton_horse.ambient_water subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.ambient ? ? ? 16
Skeleton Horse dies entity.skeleton_horse.decease subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.death ? ? ? 16
Equus caballus gallops entity.skeleton_horse.gallop_water ? ? 0.45 16
Skeleton Horse hurts entity.skeleton_horse.hurt subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.hurt ? ? ? 16
Horse hops entity.skeleton_horse.jump_water (Presumably when jumping underwater) ? ? 0.8 sixteen
Equus caballus walks entity.skeleton_horse.step_water (Presumably when walking underwater) ? ? 0.six xvi
Skeleton Equus caballus swims entity.skeleton_horse.swim subtitles.entity.skeleton_horse.swim ? ? 9, 10, 11, 12 = 0.4; 14, 15, sixteen, 17 = 0.6 16


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Translation key
Skeleton Horse skeleton_horse entity.minecraft.skeleton_horse

Boulder Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Translation central
Skeleton Horse skeleton_horse 26

Entity data

Skeleton horses have entity information associated with them that comprise various properties.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  SkeletonTrap: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the horse is a trapped skeleton horse. Does not affect horse type.
    •  SkeletonTrapTime: Incremented each tick when SkeletonTrap is set to 1. The horse automatically despawns when information technology reaches 18000 (15 minutes).

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Java Edition
four April 2013 Jeb hinted at adding horses when Minecraft hit x,000,000 sales.
1.half-dozen.ane 13w16a Skeleton Horse Revision 1.png Baby Skeleton Horse Revision 1.png Added skeleton horses.
The improver of skeleton horses, along with other horses, has been assisted by DrZhark (John Olarte), creator of the Mo' Creatures mod, whose horses are a baseline for Minecraft's horse models.[i]
Skeleton horses are not available all the same without the use of tertiary party commands.
13w21a Added new GUI for horses, including skeleton horses; to control saddles, armor and inventories.
13w22a Added new audio furnishings for skeleton horses.
i.7.2 13w36a Skeleton horses are now bachelor without third-party tools, with the introduction of the /summon command.
1.9 15w38a Skeleton Trap Revision 1.png Added "skeleton trap" horses.
There is a chance (depending on regional difficulty) that a lightning strike spawns a "skeleton trap" skeleton equus caballus.
15w43a–44b The drops of skeleton horses have been changed several times. The end result is that skeleton horses now always driblet one bone, not affected by Looting.
1.10 16w20a Added spawn eggs for skeleton horses.
pre2 The spawn eggs for skeleton horses have been removed.
1.11 16w32a Horses now have split up IDs and the ID for skeleton horses has been changed to skeleton_horse.
The spawn egg for skeleton horses has been re-added.
Skeleton trap horses' take a chance to spawn during lightning strikes has been reduced to 15 of what it was.
16w38a Skeleton horses at present drop 0–2 of bones or rotten mankind, afflicted by Looting.
1.13 17w45a Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png Baby Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png The models of skeleton horses have been changed.
17w46a Skeleton Horse 17w46a.png Baby Skeleton Horse 17w46a.png The new models for skeleton horses accept been slightly tweaked.
18w03a Skeleton Horse Revision 2.png Baby Skeleton Horse Revision 2.png The models of skeleton horses have been updated again and the textures have been slightly altered.
18w19a Skeleton horses at present sink in h2o, due to being an undead mob. Zombie horses, curiously, do not.[two]
The histrion tin at present ride skeleton horses when underwater.
pre2 The model of skeleton horses has been updated to set serious Z-fighting, which has changed the model from Skeleton Horse 1.13 Z-fighting.png to Skeleton Horse 1.13 pre2 Z-fighting fixed.png .[3]
i.14 19w08a Skeleton Horse.png Baby Skeleton Horse.png The textures of skeleton horses take been changed.
Skeleton Trap.png The textures of "skeleton trap" horses have been changed.
ane.16 20w09a Skeleton horses can at present exist leashed.
Pocket Edition Blastoff
v0.15.0 build i Skeleton Trap Revision 1.png Added "skeleton trap" horses.
Pocket Edition
ane.ane.0 alpha The entity ID for skeleton equus caballus has been changed from skeletonhorse to skeleton_horse.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.six beta i.2.6.ii Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png Baby Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png The models of skeleton horses have been changed to Java Edition 17w45a's skeleton horse models.
1.5.0 beta 1.five.0.0 Skeleton horses can at present be ridden underwater.
one.eight.0 beta Skeleton horse foals now have a chance of being spawned using a spawn egg.
one.10.0 beta ane.x.0.iii Skeleton Horse.png Baby Skeleton Horse.png The textures of skeleton horses have been changed.
Skeleton Trap.png The textures of "skeleton trap" horses have been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU46 CU36 1.38 Patch fifteen Skeleton Trap Revision 1.png Added "skeleton trap" horses.
TU54 CU44 1.52 Patch 24 1.0.iv Skeleton Horse Revision 1.png Baby Skeleton Horse Revision 1.png Skeleton horses are now able to be spawned with a spawn egg found in the artistic inventory.
TU57 CU49 1.56 Patch 27 1.0.vii Skeleton horses can now be tamed and leashed.
TU60 CU51 one.64 Patch 30 Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png Baby Skeleton Horse 17w45a.png The models of skeleton horses take been changed to Coffee Edition 17w45a's skeleton horse models.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.xc Skeleton Horse.png Baby Skeleton Horse.png The textures of skeleton horses have been inverse.
Skeleton Trap.png The textures of "skeleton trap" horses have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Skeleton Trap Revision 1.png Added "skeleton trap" horses.

Issues relating to "Skeleton equus caballus" are maintained on the bug tracker. Written report issues at that place.

  • Dr. Zhark appears in the credits later the Finish Poem as the creator of the horses, including skeleton horses.
  • In Boulder Edition, skeleton horses can be transported in a gunkhole by riding the skeleton equus caballus and jumping into the boat and so dismounting (leaving the equus caballus behind in the boat) and activating the boat from underneath/underwater. Attempting to actuate the boat in society to pilot it from above results in the actor being mounted on the horse again rather than beingness placed inside the boat to airplane pilot it.

  • Horse
  • Donkey
  • Mule
  • Skeleton

  1. "Also large cheers to @DrZhark, the creator of Mo' Creatures, that have assisted u.s. to make information technology happen!" – @jeb_ on Twitter, April 4, 2013
  2. MC-129262
  3. MC-121832


How to Make a Skeleton Dog on Minecraft TUTORIAL

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